Operating System Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
We have compiled a list of 1000+ operating system questions with answers that help you to check your basic knowledge of operating system and prepare for competitive exams. These operating system MCQ are prepared by the subject experts from authentic resources. Attempt all the questions and check your operating system knowledge online.
Operating Systems consists the topics such as introduction to operating systems, types, functions, windows, introduction to GUI, windows operating system, basic windows elements (desktop, taskbar, my computer, recycle bin, starting) shutting down windows, file management, windows explorer, windows applications (control panel, character map, paint etc), finding files and folders, start programs, changing windows settings, creating shortcuts, system tools (disk scanning, disk defragment, backup, restore, format)
Following are the important multiple choice questions from the operating system section. You can choose the correct answer from option A, B, C and D.