Microsoft Excel (MS Excel) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
We have compiled a list of 1000+ questions with answers from Microsoft Excel (MS Excel) that help you to check your basic knowledge of MS Excel and prepare for competitive exams. These Microsoft excel multiple choice questions with answers are prepared by the subject experts from authentic resources. Attempt all the questions and check your MS Excel knowledge online.
This category includes the topics such as concept of electronic spreadsheets, types, organization of spreadsheet applications, cells, rows, columns, worksheets, workbooks and workspaces, creating opening and saving workbooks, screen elements, editing copying moving and delete cell contents, cell formatting, using formulas, relative absolute and mixed cell references, basic functions, generating series, default options, sorting filtering data, summarizing and sub totals, charts, header footer, speller, customizing menu and toolbar, import export data, pivot table, goal seek, scenario and audit, page setting, preview and printing.
Following are the important multiple choice questions with answers from the Microsoft Excel (MS Excel) section. You can choose the correct answer from option A, B, C and D.