Database Management System and Design Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
We have compiled a list of 1000+ questions with answers from Database Management System and Design that help you to check your basic knowledge of Database Management System and prepare for competitive exams. All these multiple choice questions are prepared by the subject experts from authentic resources. Attempt all the questions and check your Database Management System knowledge online.
This category includes the topics such as Introduction, A Database Model, Relational Database Model, Integrity, RDBMS, SQL and Embedded SQL, Writing Basic SQL SELECT Statements, Restricting and Sorting data, Single Row Functions, Displaying Data from Multiple Tables, Aggregation Data Using Group Functions, Sub Queries, Manipulating Data and Creating &Managing Tables, Creating Views and Controlling User Access, Using Set Operators, Date time Function, Database Design: Logical Design, Conceptual Design, Mapping Conceptual to Logical, Pragmatic issues, Physical Design, Integrity and Correctness, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus. Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF, DKNF. Architecture of DBMS: Client-server, Open Architectures, Transaction Processing, Multi-User & Concurrency, and Backup & Recovery Database, Basic Concept of major RDBMS products: Oracle, Sybase, DB2, SQL Server and other Databases.
Following are the important multiple choice questions with answers from the Database Management System and Design section. You can choose the correct answer from option A, B, C and D.